Hunter's Therapeutic Massage

4 Causes of Pain

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4 Causes of Pain


1.  Flexibility       2.  Scaring         3.  Blood         4.  Stress


1.     Flexibility

If a persons muscles are short and inflexible this will lead to pain.  Generally this happens on the front   ( or anterior muscles in the body) and the pain is felt on the back    (or posterior muscle of the body ) The reason this happen is that our bodies are performing activities like typing, driving, computer work, writing which brings the arms forward and the head down.  These activities shorten the structural muscles in the front of the neck   (the scalenes) and the muscle in the chest   (the pectoralis minor) this can cause, over time pain in the back of the neck   (the levator scapula) and the area between the shoulder blades in the upper back    (the rhomboids).   This flexibility problem can be experienced throughout the body.


2.     Scaring

When a person has had physical scars from an accident this can lead to a stoppage or restriction of blood and nerve flow in the body    (sometimes referred to as chi).  Scaring can happen through deep gashes, breaks, strains, bruising etc which have damaged  the body.  In the case of scaring, deep tissue is necessary to reline the muscle fibers and to break up the strong facial binding that is stopping the chi movement through that area of the body.


 3.    Blood

When I work on people I can feel if their blood is carrying a lot of toxic chemicals in it.    If the person eats poorly, smokes, uses any drugs I can feel it in the muscles as the blood has carried these toxins into the muscle via the blood.  It is very important to cleanse the body.   The Large Intestine, Liver, Gallbladder and Kidneys are organ that are the most important to cleanse.


4.    Stress

Emotional stress can have a very negative effect on the body chemistry.  If people are working or living in a stressful environment it can affect their breathing and the way they hold their body.  When the body is in a high adrenalin flight or fight mode it is toxic to the body.  It is important for a highly stresses person to either learn ways of dealing with the stress in their life or change work or the home environment.


We Want to Live: The Primal Diet

Aajonoius Vonderplanitz

The Recipt for Living Without Disease

Aajonoius Vonderplanitz

We have found that eating, mainly a Raw food Diet for the last 5 years it has strengthened our bodies.  Helped heal Hunter sciatic pain and numbness in his legs.  It has also helped Faith strengthen her bones and with lubrication of her joints.  Aajonoius Vonderplanitz two book that are mentioned above give you the answers to help you body of numerous problematic conditions that may effect our bodies.  Raw Dairy Products , such as Raw Milk, Raw Cheese, Raw cream can really fortify the body.  Other food that is powerful is Raw meat, such as Sushi    (Raw Fish) or Raw Bison 

Idn, beef etc.  Without these animal product I was not getting better.  With them my health improves every month.


Cure Tooth Decay:  Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition      Ramiel Nagel

In his book he has many  reference to lead the reader to a better and healthier way to deal with teeth and your over all health. He recommends looking on as one resource to find dentists in your area.


Dr. Schulzes: American Botanical Pharmacy

4114 Glencoe Avenue

Marina Del Rey, CA 90292



Dr. Schulze’s Cleanses are High quality organic Herbs that work.   I recommend my clients to do his Bowel cleanse first then his Liver and Kidney Cleanse.  After the Liver Cleanse to the Bowel cleanse again and then after the Kidney Cleanse to the Bowel Cleanse.   Dr. Schulze’s is very good at emmimation of the problem in the body though cleanses, but if you need to rebuild the body you will need to use animal protein, which Dr. Schulze does not recommend.   



Stores in the WLA & Santa Monica Area

that have Organic & Raw Dairy Products


The Co-opportunity                        On Broadway between 15th & 16th Street

Mar Vista’s Farms Sun. Market     On Grandview between Venice and Pacific

                                                                        Harry’s Honey for Honey and honey products

                                                                        Smartfish Company  for Sushi grade fish, all wild fish

Dave’s Gormet Korean Food, good for ginger and many more products

Or give us a call at (310) 560-8477

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The best way to contact us is texting or calling 310-560-8477.   We only have time to look at our e-mails every few days so if you want a quicker responce please call.

If you need to send me information on your condition please use this e-mail .